Sunday, March 22, 2009

Is there anything I shouldn’t eat while I’m pregnant?

Is there anything I shouldn’t eat while I’m pregnant?

Yes. Avoid the following foods which may
be contaminated by bacteria:
• Raw fi sh, especially shellfi sh such as
oysters and clams
• Undercooked meat, poultry and seafood
(for example, hot dogs, non-dried deli-meats,
refrigerated pâté, meat spreads and
refrigerated smoked seafood and fi sh)
• All foods made with raw or lightly cooked eggs
(for example, homemade Caesar vinaigrette)
• Unpasteurized milk products and foods made
from them, including soft and semi-soft cheeses
such as Brie or Camembert
• Unpasteurized juices, such as unpasteurized
apple cider
• Raw sprouts, especially alfalfa sprouts



Today, most mothers breastfeed their babies. Breast
milk is the best food you can offer your baby. For the
fi rst six months it is all the food and drink your baby
needs for optimal growth and development. Breast
milk is specifi cally designed for your baby and
constantly changes to meet your child’s needs. It is
easy for your baby to digest and can protect against
infections and disease—benefi ts that last a lifetime.
Breastfeeding has many benefi ts for the mother too and
nurtures a special relationship between mother and baby.

Breastfeeding is natural but may take time for both you
and your baby to learn. Talk to a doctor, nurse, midwife
or lactation consultant for help. Contact with other
breastfeeding mothers can also help build your
confi dence in breastfeeding.

Enjoy your baby and the special closeness that
breastfeeding brings.

Third Month of pregnancy

Third Month

• facial features are present,
the nose and outer ears are formed
• movement such as head turning
or sucking begins
• all internal organs are developing
• fetus is about 7.5 cm (3 inches) long
and weighs 30 g (1 ounce)


Too much caffeine isn’t good for you or your baby. For women of childbearing age the recommendation is
a maximum daily caffeine intake of no more than 300 mg—a little over two eight-ounce (237 ml) cups of
coffee. This total should include natural sources of caffeine, including herbs such as guarana and yerba mate.

Start trying to limit how much coffee, strong tea and soft drinks you consume. Water, pure fruit juice and
milk are good alternatives that will provide you with more of the nutrients your baby needs.

Warning! Some herbal teas, such as chamomile, aren’t good to drink when you’re pregnant. You’ll also want
to avoid teas with aloe, coltsfoot, juniper berry, pennyroyal, buckthorn bark, comfrey, labrador tea, sassafras,
duck root, lobelia and senna leaves. Other herbal teas, such as citrus peel, linden fl ower *, ginger, lemon balm,
orange peel and rose hip, are generally considered safe if taken in moderation (two to three cups per day).

* not recommended for persons with pre-existing cardiac conditions



In the end, all of the symptoms, the signs, and the pain are worth the end
While each woman is different, this is a comprehensive guide of the things
that you might experience during your pregnancy and things that you might
want to do while you are pregnant.
You’ll probably have a healthy and event-free pregnancy, but with these tips,
you can only increase those chances.



You’re here!!

The development of baby

• Baby is born during three stages of labor: first, second and third.
• Babies that are not in the correct position can either be moved or will
need to be born by caesarean section.
• Babies that are in distress may need additional care after they are
born, or will be removed from the mom before actual labor pains

The development of mom

• Mom’s cervix will continue to dilate until it is fully open (about ten
centimeters) and she is able to push with the contractions.
• While it might seem like a good idea to push earlier, this can cause
tears and more pain than is necessary.
• If you want to have pain medications, sooner is better than later.
They can always be adjusted or taken away if they’re not working or
causing ill effects.
• Make sure to rest as much as you can between contractions so that
you have enough energy to push.
Specific concerns
• Realize that while labor is a difficult process, women have been doing
it for years and you can too.
• Babies born today have a nearly perfect chance of being born without
• If you are having any troubles, be sure to tell the doctor or the nurse
and they can help make labor easier for you.
• Pain is normal, but only ten percent of women report excruciating
pain, so your chances of not being in this group are pretty good.
• Labor will end – whether it seems like it will or not.
• The end result of labor is always worth the effort.
Congratulations and good luck with your new bundle of joy!

Special tip for dad/partner

• Make sure to bring flowers and other special gifts to mom – she’s done
a lot of work to produce this little person.



One more week…

The development of baby

• No major changes at this point

The development of mom

• No major changes at this point

What baby is feeling

• Baby is starting to understand that there are changes happening that
are indicating that they will be moving soon

What mom is feeling

• Mom is probably quite anxious at this point and unable to sleep.
However, you need all the rest that you can get before you go into
delivery, so you want to nap and relax as much as possible.
Specific needs for the week
• Start eating more carbohydrates (complex) in order to build up your
energy supplies for the process of delivery. Add in a peanut butter
sandwich or some oatmeal to your daily diet.
Specific concerns for the week
• Your main concern right now is being near a hospital or your chosen
birthing center.

Special tip for mom

• If you’re not sure whether you are ready to go to the hospital, ask
yourself how you feel. Funny enough, many moms report that when
they felt least like going to the hospital is generally when they needed
to go to the hospital. Others report that when their mood changed
dramatically, that was a sign that it was time to go and deliver their



Many babies are already born at this point, but if not, here’s what’s going on.

The development of baby

• Baby is still growing
• Baby’s body systems are still practicing

The development of mom

• Contractions are increasing
• More moodiness is possible

What baby is feeling

• Baby is happy and ready to get out into the new world that they’ve
worked so hard to be ready for.

What mom is feeling

• Mom is going to the doctor more often and might start thinking about
inducing the delivery if the baby has become too big.
Specific needs for the week
• Make an emergency plan if your delivery partner can not come with
you. Ask a trusted friend or a parent to help you until your partner
can be there.
Specific concerns for the week
• If you want to help your labor start earlier, make sure that you are
exercising regularly. Exercise stimulates the blood flow to your uterus
and can help bring on contractions.

Special tip for mom

• Talk about whether you want cameras or video cameras in the delivery
room. But make sure that everyone understands that you might
change your mind once the day arrives. You’re in charge that day, so
don’t be afraid to tell people about things that you might not like.



While you might think that pregnancy is never going to end, you’re really in
the home stretch by now.

The development of baby

• Baby is still growing
• Baby produces meconium in the intestines and will be released in the
first bowel movement

The development of mom

• Having periods of fatigue and over energy
• Nesting continues

What baby is feeling

• Baby is surrounded by amniotic fluid that continues to replace itself
over and over. They are learning how to digest in order to get
nutrients from formula or breast milk.

What mom is feeling

• The nesting feeling is when you are active and energetic, sometimes
getting the nursery ready or baby proofing the house. Don’t overexert
yourself, but if you’re feeling the energy come on, use it!
Specific needs for the week
• If you’re concerned that you might need an episiotomy during your
delivery, you can start to ready your body by massaging the perineum
– the space between your vaginal opening and your rectum. Apply a
little lubricant and gently massage the area with your thumb. A little
discomfort is okay, but pain is not.
Specific concerns for the week
• If you start to lose weight, that might be a sign that you are getting
ready to give birth.

Special tip for mom

• Do you have a plan for when you go into labor? If you have other
children, who will be taking care of them?



Still trudging or waddling on.

The development of baby

• Gaining up to an ounce each day
• May drop or shift at this point to be ready for birth

The development of mom

• If baby shifts, may feel lightening in the pelvis area as well as have an
easier time breathing
• Might also experience extra energy – called nesting

What baby is feeling

• Baby is just waiting for the time when mom’s body is ready to give
birth to them.

What mom is feeling

• Might be a little edgy at this time, so make sure that you’re taking
extra time for yourself in order to stay calm.
Specific needs for the week
• If you think that you might be going into labor, stop and start to time
the contractions that you’re having. If the timing is regular and
starting to get shorter and shorter between contractions, call your
doctor – it might be time. If they’re irregular, you might just be
having false contractions.
Specific concerns for the week
• If you’re nervous about having an overdue baby, talk with your doctor
about the options to deliver if this should happen – it will take one
more thing off your mind.

Special tip for mom

• As a special gift to your baby, why not write a letter to them
describing how you were feeling at this time in your pregnancy? It
makes a great gift when they’re eighteen or leaving home.



Slowly, but surely, you’re getting to the birthday.

The development of baby

• Baby is still practicing breathing
• More squirming and less kicking

The development of mom

• Possible stomach bloating
• More swelling in ankles and hands
• Waddling movements

What baby is feeling

• Baby is considered ready to be born at this point!

What mom is feeling

• Relief that pregnancy is almost over
• More dreams and fantasies about baby
Specific needs for the week
• It’s time to tour the birthing center or hospital where baby will be
born. You want to feel comfortable when you go in and know what
you can expect.
Specific concerns for the week
• At this point, you might deliver at any time, so it’s best to remain close
to a phone or close to home if you can.

Special tip for mom

• While you might be concerned about your water breaking, this is
actually not the momentous occasions as television and movies might
have you think. It might just be a small amount of wetness that you
will need to change your underwear for. Call your doctor at that point
if there is anything unusual about the fluid that you find.



Now that you’re in the ninth month of your pregnancy, you might think that
you’re almost done, but you still have a little ways to go.

The development of baby

• Baby weighs over five pounds and measures almost eighteen inches
• Baby will start to get ready to shift

The development of mom

• Increased frequency of urination
• More contractions
• Increased fatigue

What baby is feeling

• While baby might not realize this, he or she is getting ready to come
through the birth canal.

What mom is feeling

• Restlessness
• Irritability
Specific needs for the week
• You might want to start thinking about choosing a pediatrician this
week and setting up a consultation with the doctor when you deliver.
By checking your insurance and getting references from other moms,
you’ll be sure to find someone that you can talk to about your child.
Specific concerns for the week
• Pay extra attention to the number of kicks and pokes you are feeling.
You might be feeling less intense movement, but it should still be

Special tip for mom

• Start looking into breastfeeding classes or seminars if you’re
considering breastfeeding once the baby is born. If not, start
researching the formulas that might work best for baby.



Week thirty-three is here, excited yet?

The development of baby

• All organ systems are completing their development
• Baby measures eighteen inches and weights almost five pounds

The development of mom

• Increased pressure
• Some moodiness and anxiety
• Breasts still swelling

What baby is feeling

• Baby is doing well and just gaining weight to be ready for the outside

What mom is feeling

• If you’re feeling a little tired of talking about your impending
motherhood, ask your friends to take you out for a girls night in –
movies and munchies – and put pregnancy on the list of things to not
talk about.
Specific needs for the week
• Make sure that your doctor tests for Group B strep as well as any other
birth defects that you might be concerned about. If they can’t test
you, you can send blood samples to a private lab.
Specific concerns for the week
• If your baby is in a breech position, your doctor may attempt to shift it
to a more favorable position for delivery. However, this doesn’t
always work as baby can move right back.

Special tip for mom

• Sometimes a pregnancy can make the mom and partner less likely to
talk about romantic things. Schedule a date night to reestablish your
romantic relationship – without the wine, of course.



Here’s what’s happening this week:

The development of baby

• Baby is urinating more often
• Baby is still growing
• Measures about seventeen inches and weights about four and a half

The development of mom

• Breasts may begin to fill with milk
• Same swelling and discomfort

What baby is feeling

• Baby doesn’t have a lot of room to wiggle anymore, but is still starting
to get ready for the actual birth.

What mom is feeling

• When mom is uncomfortable and having troubles sleeping, it can help
to eat a small snack before bed to help calm the body down – even
when the mind is racing.
Specific needs for the week
• If you’re having troubles with ‘leaking,’ try increasing the Kegel
exercises that you are doing. Whenever you have to sneeze or laugh,
just do an exercise to help keep leaks to a minimum.
Specific concerns for the week
• At any time of the pregnancy you feel chest pains or tightness, alert
your doctor or head to the local emergency room. It might just be
stress, but you never want to take that chance.

Special tip for mom

• While your mom might disagree, it’s completely safe to take a warm
bath during your pregnancy. The water does not penetrate the womb
and it’s quite relaxing for you and for baby.



If you’re having more than one baby, this might be the week that it happens.

The development of baby

• There is a substance covering the alveoli of the lungs
• Baby is starting to fill out
• Baby weighs about four pounds

The development of mom

• Increased chance of hemorrhoids
• Bleeding gums
• Continued aches and pains

What baby is feeling

• Baby’s lungs are practicing for breathing real air.

What mom is feeling

• Mom might be feeling a little unwieldy and off balance. Try to move
around a bit slower to help compensate for these feelings.
Specific needs for the week
• You can still be driving at this point of your pregnancy, though you
might want to stop when you can’t fit behind the steering wheel. As
long as you’re feeling well, feel free to go anywhere that you please.
Specific concerns for the week
• If you’re still feeling some dizzy sensations, try to eat smaller meals
more frequently. This can help to stabilize your blood sugar and keep
it from fluctuating.

Special tip for mom

• Realize that your increased size will not hurt your chances of having an
easy delivery. Vaginal delivery is still quite possible for even those
women who are genetically disposed to a larger pregnancy size.



Doesn’t it seem like forever since you found out you were pregnant?

The development of baby

• Baby movement will peak at this week and start to slow down now
• There is more fat and muscle on baby’s body
• Measures over fifteen inches in length and almost four pounds

The development of mom

• Pressure on pelvis area
• Hemorrhoids
• More clumsiness

What baby is feeling

• Baby is starting to realize that space is running out, so he or she might
start to find different positions.

What mom is feeling

• Mom is starting to count down to the due date.

Special needs for the week

• You will start to need to go into see your doctor more frequently –
probably every two weeks from this point on. Be sure to ask any
questions or relate any concerns that you have at each appointment.
Special concerns for the week
• To combat constipation, make sure you are drinking plenty of water
and that you are getting enough fruits and vegetables. If you are
having troubles with your bowel movements, try to increase your
exercise if you can as well to keep things moving.

Special tip for mom

• Make sure to enlist in a childbirth class, if that’s something that you
want to do. These classes can dramatically reduce your stress about
the delivery and help to lessen your overall pain.



At this point, you might be asking yourself ‘how much longer to go,’ but
you’re getting to the end, so no worries.

The development of baby

• Irises can now dilate
• Baby is now a pink color
• Weighs about three pounds

The development of mom

• Increased sense of fullness
• Increased heartburn
• More Braxton Hicks contractions

What baby is feeling

• Baby is starting to have regular sleep patterns and activity schedules

What mom is feeling

• Mom might still be absentminded, but this is normal. If you’re having
troubles remembering things, it might be time to enlist the help of
your friends and family to keep your head in the game.
Specific needs for the week
• Make sure that you are trying to keep a good posture as you walk.
When your body’s weight position has shifted, you will need to adjust
the way that you move and sit in order to keep everything in
Specific concerns for the week
• If you start to feel tickling at your ribs, baby may have tried to move a
little further up your abdomen. By lifting your arm and taking a deep
breath, you may be able to move it out of that uncomfortable position.

Special tip for mom

• If you’re going back to work right after your delivery, you will want to
enlist the help of qualified babysitters and family members now. Make
sure that they all have experience as well as CPR training.



As you finish your seventh month, you’re almost there.

The development of baby

• Brain is growing rapidly
• The lanugo is starting to disappear from the skin
• Weighs about three pounds and measures almost fifteen inches

The development of mom

• Might start noticing colostrum from breasts
• Increased back pain
• Problems with sleeping

What baby is feeling

• Baby is still moving and reacting to their outside environment, learning
the sounds of familiar voices and sounds.

What mom is feeling

• Mom is starting to get a little anxious to be un-pregnant. She might
be uncomfortable and want to be relieved of her symptoms as well as
meet her little one.

Special needs for the week

• If you feel that you need to urinate more frequently, you will want to
do so. While it might seem like a pain to keep going to the bathroom
– this keep you from any infections from holding it in. And a full
bladder can also stimulate contractions.
Special concern for the week
• Any bleeding or spotting at this point of the pregnancy should be
reported to a doctor. However, it’s rarely cause for concern.

Special tip for mom

• While you may have already written a birth plan, you will want to start
talking about it with the people that will be present for the birth.
Everyone needs to be on the same page on what to expect.



During this month, you can expect:

The development of baby

• Baby starts to regulate its temperature
• Starts producing own red blood cells
• Weighs about two pounds and nine ounces

The development of mom

• Continued shortness of breath
• Feeling of fullness in abdomen
• Some hand and face swelling

What baby is feeling

• Baby is starting to realize that the space is becoming lessened in the
womb, so they may not be moving as much as before, but should still
be moving

What mom is feeling

• Starting to worry about the actual delivery day
Specific needs for the week
• If you’re sweating more, that’s completely normal. This is the body’s
way of getting rid of wastes during your pregnancy. It can help to
drink more water to help your body with this process.
Specific concerns for the week
• To avoid having a low birth weight baby, you will want to make sure
that you are eating right, exercising, staying away from drugs and
alcohol, and staying calm.

Special tip for mom

• If you have other children, start to involve them somehow with the
birth. They can feel left out sometimes, so try to talk to them about
their feelings as well as help them get ready to be a new big sibling.



Already at week twenty-six?

The development of baby

• The testes of a baby boy are now descending
• Eyelashes are visible
• Measures about fourteen inches and weighs about one kilogram

The development of mom

• Stronger fetal movement
• Some Braxton-Hicks contractions

What baby is feeling

• Baby is growing and developing and becoming more responsive to
outside stimuli

What mom is feeling

• Have any strange dreams lately? This is highly common during the
later stages of pregnancy.

Special needs for the week

• Start considering when you will stop working. Many women will want
to work until the last moment before birth, while others will want to
start their maternity leave a month before the due date.
Special concerns for the week
• If you have restless legs, try cutting down on any sugars or simple
carbohydrates that you’re eating.

Special tip for mom

• Time to plan that baby shower!



You might start feeling more tired again as you enter into the third trimester
because baby has a lot of growing to do in these last few months.

The development of baby

• Baby’s skin is wrinkled
• Baby feels like its taking up the entire abdomen
• Starting to grow rapidly, weighs about two pounds now

The development of mom

• Mom may start gaining more weight
• The uterus is almost eleven inches in length
• Shortness of breath

What baby is feeling

• Baby is getting stronger and continues to explore its environment,
moving around much more often.

What mom is feeling

• Mom is really starting to get excited about the impending birth and
may start to have troubles getting to sleep with her racing mind.

Special needs for the week

• To combat swelling, try to elevate your feet for a half an hour a day or
whenever you are sitting down. Try drinking more water to help
regulate the amount of water in your body.
Special concerns for the week
• Because you might be a bit clumsier, you might have a fall
occasionally. While it can seem scary, it generally is nothing to be
concerned about. Just tell your doctor and they will make the decision
to see you or not.

Special tip for mom

• Because your body needs to start getting ready for birth, you might
start feeing more tired than you have in a while. Why not cut back on
some of your activity and take the hint that you need to rest?



And before you start your third and final trimester, you are going to
experience some wonderful things in week twenty-four.

The development of baby

• Skin is starting to become less see through
• Measures about 13 inches in length and almost two pounds

The development of mom

• Mom’s uterus is still expanding
• Anxiety
• Uterus moving move

What baby is feeling

• Baby is becoming more reactive to sounds, lights, and other startling
things. Some babies will react to every sound, while some will not –
this is entirely normal.

What mom is feeling

• The anxiety that you are feeling right now is completely normal. You
may be anxious about becoming a mother, whether you’ll be good
enough, and whether you know enough to be ready. A parenting class
for pregnant women might help you feel more ready for the new life
Specific needs for the week
• This might be a good time to stock up the nursery just in case baby
comes a little earlier than expected. Of course, your friends and
family may already have started to help you in that way.
Specific concerns for the week
• Realize that if your baby is born preterm, it has an excellent chance of
surviving and growing up to be perfectly healthy.

Special tip for mom

• It might not be a bad idea to start packing that hospital bag and
putting it in a location where no one will remove anything from it, but
it is still easy to find.



Did you feel that? Baby is starting to do interesting things in your womb

The development of baby

• Baby’s eyes can open and close
• Baby may start hiccupping
• Baby weights about one pound and nine ounces

The development of mom

• Skin color changes continue
• Ear stuffiness is possible
• Increased digestive issues
• Whitish vaginal discharge

What baby is feeling

• Since baby’s eyes are nearly developed, it will respond to bright lights
that are shone onto the womb

What mom is feeling

• You might start feeling like you’re running out of time to be ready to
be a mom. To cope with this, talk with your partner and start projects
like getting together a baby shower or working on decorating the

Special needs for the week

• You may want to consider writing up a birthing plan. This is a detailed
list of all of the things that you want (or don’t want) during the
delivery day.
Special concerns for the week
• You might want to start asking your doctor about the available pain
medications that you can be given during birth. Talk about their side
effects and how they are administered.

Special tip for mom

• Now is a good time to work on those baby-pushing muscles with Kegel
exercises. Pretend like you are holding in a stream of urine and then
release. Repeat whenever you can.



Baby is looking like, well, a baby by now. But there’s still much more that
needs to be done before he or she is ready to enter the world.

The development of baby

• Baby is building up more fat to help regulate their body temperature
• Baby might start practicing walking movements
• Weighs about a pound and five ounces and measures almost a foot in

The development of mom

• The uterus is expanding even more – to the size of a basketball in
some women
• Breasts might start to swell more

What baby is feeling

• Baby might start reaching around to grab at things – like the umbilical
cord – but this is normal and there’s nothing to worry about

What mom is feeling

• You might be getting to a point where you’re almost tired of talking
about your pregnancy. You might start wishing that your friends and
family could talk about more normal things.

Special needs for the week

• You should be feeling some baby movements every day – start
counting the kicks that you feel each day to keep a record of its
Special concerns for the week
• Preterm labor is a possibility at this point, so if you begin to feel
contractions, be sure to talk to your doctor about whether you need to
go to the hospital.

Special tip for mom

• In case you’re not eating your vegetables yet, anything that you’re
eating now will be something that your child will like eating when
they’re older. So, the more veggies and fruits you eat now, the more
likely your child will grow up to like them.



In the sixth month of pregnancy, you’re really going to start feeling

The development of baby

• The hair on the skin darkens
• Baby is forming their first stool – meconium
• Baby weights over a pound now

The development of mom

• Headaches
• Itchy skin on your stomach
• More back pain

What baby is feeling

• Baby has developed a firm grip now and may start trying to punch at
you with it.

What mom is feeling

• You might still have some absentmindedness, but you’ve started to
figure out ways to cope with it.
Specific needs for the week
• If you’re having pain or numbness in your hands and fingers, you
might be seeing the signs of carpal tunnel syndrome due to the
swelling of your body. Try elevating your hands if you can when
you’re sleeping.
Specific concerns for the week
• If you’re having leg cramps, you might want to try stretching your
calves before bed to prevent them. Stand against a wall as though
you were doing a pushup and lean into the wall with your feet about a
foot away from the wall. Hold and repeat.

Special tip for mom

• Want to stop the itching on your stomach? Try using cocoa butter
lotion or some other moisturizer. The itching is caused by the
stretching of your skin.



Here’s what you can expect from your twentieth week after conception.

The development of baby

• Muscles are strengthening from all the activity
• Baby is a recognizable shape with head and arms and legs
• Measures about eleven inches in length and weighs approximately a

The development of mom

• Mom’s navel may have popped out at this point
• Dull back ache
• Increased heart rate
• Possible hemorrhoids

What baby is feeling

• Baby is still developing and moving, getting ready for birth

What mom is feeling

• By this time, you may have started to feel a little of ‘pregnancy’ brain.
This is where you might be having troubles remembering to do things.
Start making lists whenever you need to remember something so that
you feel a little more in control.

Special needs for the week

• If your shoes are starting to feel a little tight, you might want to go
out and find a better fitting shoe or look for inserts that help to correct
the imbalance of your new center of gravity.
Special concerns for the week
• Always fasten your seatbelt when you’re in a vehicle. The lap strap
should be placed across your pelvis and the shoulder strap should be
over your shoulder as you would normally wear it.

Special tip for mom

• If you’re nervous about how your life might change after having your
baby, talk to your partner to see how they feel. When you’re open
about your concerns, you won’t feel along in your worries.



Moving on ahead, mom is seeing more changes in her body this week.

The development of baby

• Baby is still moving around, exploring the amniotic fluid
• Right now, baby moves around, but will start to find a good position to
be delivered from
• Baby can make faces now
• Weights about thirteen ounces

The development of mom

• Varicose veins
• Changes in your ability to orgasm
• Skin discoloration
• Leg cramps

What baby is feeling

• Baby is recognizing sounds and will respond to them, but just because
they’re making faces at you doesn’t mean that they’re upset

What mom is feeling

• You might start seeing a decrease in your mood swings, but this
doesn’t mean that you still won’t have periods of weepiness.
Specific needs for the week
• In terms of sex, you might want to start switching to side positions or
with mom on top to help make movements more comfortable.
Specific concerns for the week
• During climate changes, you will want to try to stay cooler than you
might normally during heat waves because of your increased blood
volume, but you will feel warmer during colder spells so you might not
feel as cold as you normally would.

Special tip for mom

• Great places to eat when you’re pregnant? Italian, Greek and Middle
Eastern, and any vegetarian or vegan restaurants.



Have you picked out the place where you want to have your baby? This
might be a good time to start discussing your options. From home to
hospital to birthing center, all of these locations can offer you different

The development of baby

• A creamy white substance called vernix forms on the skin
• Eyebrows and hair may be visible
• Measures almost ten inches and weights about ten ounces

The development of mom

• Bleeding gums
• Increased appetite
• Some swelling of your hands and legs

What baby is feeling

• The sleep wake cycles start to become more regular, and will probably
be the same cycles that you will experience when baby is born.

What mom is feeling

• You might start noticing that your hair and nails are growing more
rapidly – sometimes in places that you weren’t expecting – but
shaving and plucking are safe if it bothers you.
Specific needs for the week
• If you have other children, you might want to stop carrying them
around – it’s time for them to start walking around on their own. Just
let them know that they are grown up enough to not need you to carry
them – and your back will thank you.
Specific concerns for the week
• If you haven’t already done so, you will want to avoid any foods or
dishes that may have uncooked meats and eggs in them. Sushi,
hollandaise sauce, and cookie dough are just some examples.

Special tip for mom

• If you’re having troubles with your contact lenses, it’s due to
hormones. You might want to start wearing your glasses more often.



Almost halfway through your second trimester, it’s time for more changes
and more developments for both mom and for baby

The development of baby

• The buds of real baby teeth are not forming
• There’s a fine layer of hair growing over the body – lanugo
• Girl’s ovaries are fully developed and contain eggs
• Weights about eight ounces

The development of mom

• More aches in your abdomen
• Constipation
• Possible beginning of heartburn
• Indigestion

What baby is feeling

• Baby is becoming much more coordinated
• There are discernable times of sleeping and waking for baby
Specific needs for the week
• If you’re traveling, you’ll want to make sure that you’re following your
pregnancy diet as well as adjusting to any time changes before you
leave. You may also want to find a doctor in the area that can help
you should you have problems.
Specific concerns for the week
• When you’re bending down to lift something, be sure to bend your
knees and let your legs do the work – not your stomach.

Special tip for mom

• Now is a great time for a massage or other spa treatment. Just be
sure to let the technician know that you are pregnant (as though they
can’t tell!) and they can make arrangements to soothe those aching



During the fourth month of your pregnancy, you’ll start to really show the
pregnancy if you haven’t already. And baby is gearing up for another growth

The development of baby

• The bones are still hardening
• Fingerprints may have developed
• Measures about eight inches and weighs about seven ounces

The development of mom

• May have some troubles sleeping
• Body is starting to change more

What baby is feeling

• Baby is starting to get stronger and becomes more active in the womb

What mom is feeling

• After weeks of feeling fatigued, not being able to sleep because of your
ever growing body can be frustrating. But by propping yourself up
with pillows, you’ll be able to find a position that will be comfortable.
Specific needs for the week
• If you feel like you need to get up to urinate frequently during the
night, be sure to urinate before you even lay down.
Specific concerns for the week
• Now is a good time to start lying on your left side to make sure that
baby is always getting a good supply of blood to help with its growth.

Special tip for mom

• For a healthy in between meal snack, try a fruit smoothie. By blending
ice (or not), fresh fruit, protein powder, honey, orange juice, and milk
or soy, you can have a nutritious and delicious drink.



Almost to the fifth month already.

The development of baby

• Baby is starting to develop fat on its body
• No new structures will have formed
• Measures about five ounces in weight

The development of mom

• You might start sweating more
• You may have increased nasal congestion
• Your uterus is higher up in your abdomen
• Increased discharge from vagina

What baby is feeling

• While it might seem that nothing new is happening, baby can now
become startled by loud noises. So, you may want to keep your
surroundings a little more calm from now on.

What mom is feeling

• Weird pregnancy symptoms can unnerve any woman, but rest assured
that they will disappear after the birth of your child.
Specific needs for the week
• Make sure that you are getting enough fluids to help that extra blood
more freely in your veins.
Specific concerns for the week
• You will want to realize that any hard exercise may cause you to
overheat more quickly than it used to. Watch the intensity of your

Special tip for mom

• Invest in some classical music or other soothing forms of music to
start calming your baby. Or just be sure to start talking to your womb
to help baby recognize the sound of your voice.



Entering week fourteen, you may notice a number of new things in your

The development of baby

• Ears have relocated to the head
• Baby is urinating more frequently into the amniotic fluid
• Movements may be more pronounced
• Measures 6 inches in length and about 3 ounces in weight

The development of mom

• If mom is a first time mom, she will start to feel baby moving around
now. Experienced moms generally feel that movement sooner.

What baby is feeling

• Baby is surrounded by warm fluid that is cushioning it and helping it
move freely

What mom is feeling

• The first time that you feel your baby move is a special one, so be sure
to let your partner feel it too – if they can.
Specific needs for the week
• In order to be strong for labor, you might want to start a prenatal
yoga class. By learning how to balance your body, you will strengthen
your muscles and relax at the same time.
Specific concerns for the week
• When you start to feel movement in your abdomen, this is a good sign
that your pregnancy is progressing normally. If you should feel
movements stop for a long time, talk to your doctor.
Special tip for the week
• If you’ve found out the gender, start to make plans to decorate the
nursery in a style that suits him or her.



Now is the time when you’re going to start to change your wardrobe a little.

The development of baby

• Blood vessels can now be seen
• The heart is pumping out twenty-five quarts of blood a day
• Baby may start sucking its thumb
• Measures seventy grams in weight

The development of mom

• The heart is starting to pump out more blood
• You might be tested for neural birth defects with the AFP test

What baby is feeling

• Baby is getting comfortable in the womb

What mom is feeling

• Mom might start to have some issues with body shape. Instead of
focusing on your weight, make sure that you are focusing on the
health of your baby.
Specific needs for the week
• Make sure that you are only eating 300 – 500 calories more per day of
good, wholesome foods.
Specific concerns for the week
• You may want to start discussing delivery options with your midwife or
Special tip for the week
• Start keeping a photo diary of your changing body. You’ll want to
remember how far you’ve come – and you can share it with your
friends and family.



As you round out the first trimester, you’ve had a lot of things that have
happened. Not only have you gotten pregnant, but your baby has done
some remarkable things already to get ready for the big, bad world.

The development of baby

• Baby can urinate on its own
• Amniotic fluid is breathed in the lungs to help strengthen them
• Measures almost five inches in length

The development of mom

• Darkened areolas are growing in size
• Perhaps darker pigmentation of the skin in patches on the abdomen
• The uterus has grown to the size of a softball

What baby is feeling

• Baby knows that it will not be inside the womb forever, so it’s starting
to practice to get ready to breathe air

What mom is feeling

• While the hormonal changes continue, you might start to feel a little
more sexually appealing because of these changes. This is a welcome
effect after the early weeks.
Specific needs for the week
• Have you considered an amniocentesis? This is something that you
may want to discuss with your doctor if you are at high risk for birth
Specific concerns for the week
• Sometimes, you will be able to determine the sex of the baby, so
check with your doctor if you want to find out.

Special tip for mom

• You will want to start avoiding any exercises that are done on your
back because this lessens the flow of blood to the uterus – but don’t
worry, there are plenty of alternatives.



During week eleven, you’re really starting to feel that you’re actually
pregnant and by the way that baby is growing, it’s no wonder!

The development of baby

• All of the baby teeth have grown in
• The intestines are moving into the abdomen from the umbilical cord
• The pancreas is producing insulin
• Weighs in at about an ounce (about 28 grams)

The development of mom

• Still expanding
• Beginning to ‘feel’ pregnant
• Energy is going up

What baby is feeling

• Baby’s digestive system is really starting to work and get ready to take
in nutrition

What mom is feeling

• Mom might be ready to tell people about the pregnancy – go for it!
• The pregnancy is starting to become ‘fun’ after the early times of
sickness and fatigue
Specific needs for the week
• You’ll want to stop taking any medications that aren’t approved by
your doctor, if you haven’t done so already
Specific concerns for the week
• You will want to make sure that you’re not overburdening your body
with too many sugary foods – eat them in moderation.

Special tip for mom

• If you have a lot of people to tell about your pregnancy, you might
want to send a well-written email or arrange for a web conference that
everyone can watch. This way, you’ll be able to answer everyone’s
questions and have a sort of impromptu family reunion.



Welcome to the tenth week of pregnancy? How are you feeling? There’s
much more that is happening this week.

The development of baby

• Baby’s brain is developed, though not to full size
• The digestive system is practicing
• Reflexes are active
• Measures 3.5 inches and weighs about fourteen grams

The development of mom

• Hormones are now being produced by the placenta
• Abdomen may start to become noticeably bigger

What baby is feeling

• While baby doesn’t realize it, it is practicing for coming out into the
real world. Baby is trying out various digestive functions to see if
everything is working properly.

What mom is feeling

• By this time, you’re generally feeling better than you have recently.
When the hormones begin to be produced by the placenta, it can mean
relief for moms.
Specific needs for the week
• Right now, you will want to focus on getting your calcium (if you
haven’t been doing so already). If you don’t like milk or cheese, try a
fortified orange juice with calcium.
Specific concerns for the week
• You’re almost out of the highest risk time of miscarriage, so keep up
the good work. Make sure that you’re going to your prenatal visits as
suggested by your doctor.

Special tip for mom

• If you’re starting to get hungrier, you might want to look into different
kinds of low fat proteins. While a big steak might sound good, you
don’t want to eat a lot of fat. Try meatless products that taste similar.



In your third month of pregnancy, you’re probably still feeling the same or
better than you were in the first few weeks. You’re getting the ‘hang’ of it
and really starting to settle into providing the right environment for your

The development of baby

• Baby’s head is growing larger than the body
• The iris of the eye has developed
• Fingernails are grown
• Weighs about seven grams

The development of mom

• Still feeling the pregnancy symptoms
• Body is slowly growing to accommodate the size of the baby
• You may have gained weight, but it’s not vital for many moms

What baby is feeling

• Baby is starting to understand where he or she is at
• Still growing quickly and needs a lot of nutrients

What mom is feeling

• Feeling a little less tired and fatigued
• Starting to get excited about the heartbeat
Specific needs for the week
• You need to be sure that you are eating balanced meals with each of
the food groups.
Specific concerns for the week
• You’re almost out of the main time where the possibility of miscarriage
is higher, so if you have any pain or cramping, be sure to alert your

Special tip for mom

• If you’re still having nausea, try eating some crackers first thing in the
morning before you get out of bed. Sometimes low blood sugar can
make you nausea, but eating will help raise your sugar levels.



By the end of the second month, many moms are beginning to feel better
about their pregnancy. Sometimes the physical symptoms have diminished
and sometimes they are just beginning to understand that they are pregnant
– and it’s starting to be exciting.

The development of baby

• Baby is now a fetus
• Toes are developed
• Eyes are open, but eyelids are beginning to fuse together
• Genitalia is almost recognizable
• The ‘tail’ disappears
• Measures 27 – 35 millimeters, weighs about 4 grams

The development of mom

• Stomach may start to be distended
• Bowels are pushed outwards
• Frequent urination
• Same pregnancy symptoms

What baby is feeling

• Baby’s heart is beating fast – about 160 beats per minute.

What mom is feeling

• As her body is beginning to change, the end of the second month can
be the start of the realization that there is a baby inside of there.
Specific needs for the week
• You will want to make sure that you are eating more fruits with each
meal or drinking fruit juices unless your doctor prohibits it.
Specific concerns for the week
• Are you paying attention to the stress in your life? Now is a good time
to start thinking about ways to find relaxation in every day.

Special tip for mom

• Since your body is beginning to change, you might want to start
measuring your stomach so you can see how far you’ve come. Write it
down in your journal!



During week seven, the story doesn’t change much. Baby is growing and
mom is changing to get ready for baby to keep getting bigger and bigger.

The development of baby

• Hardening of the bones continues
• Elbows are seen
• Genital organs are developed
• Baby still able to move
• Measures 13 – 17 millimeters and weights about one gram

The development of mom

• Might be having more stuffy noses
• Might have nosebleeds
• Dizziness and fatigue continue

What baby is feeling

• When the uterine wall is touched, baby will move away

What mom is feeling

• Mom’s body is doing a lot to make this baby, so she might be feel
worn out
Specific needs for the week
• If you haven’t already, now is a good time to start drinking more water
each day. While you might be exhausted from making a baby,
dehydration can make you even more tired.
Specific concerns for the week
• If you’re having any bleeding or spotting, you will want to alert your
doctor. In most cases, there’s no problem, but it’s best to double

Special tip for mom

• When you’re having troubles with nosebleeds, you can run a vaporizer
in your room to help keep the nose hydrated and not as prone to
cracking and bleeding.



More exciting developments for baby this week – there are new body parts
emerging and more growth even in this early stage.

The development of baby

• Part of the brain is now visible
• Baby begins to move
• The bones are beginning to harden
• The toes are beginning to form
• Measures 8 – 11 millimeters

The development of mom

• Same pregnancy symptoms
• May feel movements like gas
• Extreme tiredness

What baby is feeling

• Baby’s starting to move around
• Gender is beginning to develop

What mom is feeling

• Besides exhausted, mom might feel gas-like movements that are
actually the baby moving around. They might be so slight that many
moms don’t even notice.
Specific needs for the week
• You will want to make sure that your practitioner has done a full series
of blood tests at this point to rule out any problems with your
pregnancy – blood sugar, blood pressure, urine test, pelvic exam, etc.
Specific concerns for the week
• Realize that you might be more tired at this point and that asking for
help is a good way to get some rest.

Special tip for mom

• This might be a great time to make a date with your partner that
focuses on you as a couple instead of you as becoming parents. Go
out to dinner or make a quiet dinner at home to reflect on your
relationship and keep it strong.



Into the second month of your pregnancy, you will continue to feel the same
pregnancy symptoms; however your baby is doing different things every day.

The development of baby

• Arm buds can be seen on an ultrasound
• Hand plates are beginning to form
• The genitals are beginning to develop
• The nasal pits are developing

The development of mom

• Still no outward signs of pregnancy
• The face might start to have acne
• Same pregnancy symptoms can occur

What baby is feeling

• Baby is going through its second set of kidneys

What mom is feeling

• Because you may not ‘feel’ pregnant yet, this might be a good time to
look for classes on pregnancy or head to the local bookstore to
educate you about what might happen during this time.

Special needs for the week

• With all the growing baby is doing, you need to pay special attention
to your diet. Try to add an extra serving of vegetables each day to
start sending vitamins to your growing little one.
Special concerns for the week
• With all of the growth that is occurring, it’s a good idea to make sure
that you’re taking a prenatal vitamin as directed by your doctor.

Special tip for mom

• Start a journal about your feelings about your pregnancy. This can be
a confusing time as well as a time of celebration – write it all down.
As your child grows up, you might even want to share this special
book with them.



Rounding out the first month of pregnancy, baby is certainly busy getting his
or herself ready for the big world outside of mom’s body. Hormone levels
continue to rise, and plenty is happening.

The development of baby

• The inner ear begins to form
• The larynx is beginning to grow
• A placenta lining is forming, but is not in use
• The circulatory system is working well
• The digestive system is beginning to grow
• Measures about 4 – 6 millimeters

The development of mom

• hCG levels are increasing again
• Pregnancy symptoms can become more intense

What baby is feeling

• Baby is growing quickly, building the main systems of the body

What mom is feeling

• Mood swings can become more intense this week
• Areolas around the nipples can darken
• Breasts may feel heavier
• Nausea can become worse

Special needs for the week

• This might be a good time to start letting someone else change the cat
litter. There’s a sight chance of birth defects from a bacteria in cat
Special concerns for the week
• At this point, mom should have found an obstetrician or midwife to
guide them through their prenatal care.

Special tip for mom

• This might be a good time to start a gentle exercise program with the
guidance of your doctor.



If you know that you’re pregnant at this point, you’re really going to notice
your pregnancy symptoms. The beginning of pregnancy is a time of rapid
development of your baby, so your body is reacting to these changes.

The development of baby

• The heart is beginning to beat this week
• You’ll be able to distinguish between the head and the ‘tail’
• The brain is beginning to develop
• The baby is now called an embryo
• Measures 1.5 – 2.5 millimeters

The development of mom

• Increased fatigue
• Increased breast soreness
• Possible increase in headaches
• Dizziness
• Possible nausea

What baby is feeling

• Baby’s heart is now beating and neural networks are forming

What mom is feeling

• Continuation of previous symptoms, but possibly intensifying
• Some moms don’t feel any symptoms, so if you’re not sick right now,
that’s okay
Specific needs for the week
• Make sure that you’re getting some additional rest, if you can
Specific concerns for the week
• If you have pregnancy symptoms, but then they disappear, call your

Special tip for mom

• If your breasts are getting too sore when you sleep, try wearing a
sports bra to bed. The additional support can help relieve some pain.



This is generally the time in the pregnancy when mom is beginning to feel
that something is different about her body. Two weeks after conception is
the perfect time to consider a pregnancy test as hormone levels are
increasing to measurable levels.

The development of baby

• A gestational sac can be seen on an ultrasound
• Baby’s chorionic villi are completely formed

The development of mom

• hCG levels are rising and are starting to produce pregnancy symptoms
• Period may have been missed at this point
• The newly development baby is starting to push on mom’s bladder

What baby is feeling

• Baby is beginning to develop recognizable systems
• Still, no body systems are clearly seen

What mom is feeling

• Mom might begin to feel fatigued
• More frequent urination
• Some mood swings
• Breasts may become tender and swollen
Specific needs for the week
• If you think you might be pregnant, confirm your findings with your
Specific concerns for the week
• You will want to quit smoking or drinking if you think you might be

Special tip for mom

• If your hCG levels are very high, this can be an indication that you
may be carrying more than one baby. But only your doctor can
measure this.



In the first week, you have just conceived your new bundle of joy. Whether
you’ve been trying for some time to become pregnant or you’ve just
stumbled into motherhood, this first week is when the egg and the sperm
have finally finished their dance and united to be ready to make a baby.

The development of baby

• The baby is called a blastocyst at this point
• Is about 0.1- 0.2 millimeters in diameter
• Starts dividing and replicating cells

The development of mom

• The body produces that EPF protein that works to protect the newly
forming baby from being attacked by others cells in your body
• Mom might have some implantation bleeding
• Mom might feel a little pain during the implantation

What baby is feeling

• Baby is just a bundle of newly dividing cells right now and has not
begun to form any recognizable body systems

What mom is feeling

• Most moms aren’t feeling anything at this time.
• The hormones are beginning to increase, but there probably isn’t a
noticeable difference in mood or behavior

Special needs for the week

• If you are planning to become pregnant or think that you might have a
chance at being pregnant, it’s a good idea to start taking folic acid
supplements. These supplements have been proven to prevent birth
defects in babies

Special concerns during this week

• If you’re planning on becoming pregnant, you will want to start eating
more healthfully and getting daily exercise.

Special tip for mom

• If you think that you might be pregnant, a home pregnancy test can
confirm it as early as two weeks after conception.


Whether this is your first or fifth pregnancy, there’s something exciting about
knowing what’s happening at every moment.
You want to know exactly what your baby is doing as well as what you can
expect from your pregnancy – even if it’s not always possible.
This book contains some great information that can help guide you from your
first week of pregnancy all the way to your last week.

We’ll include such things as:
• Baby development
• Mom’s body’s development
• What the baby may be feeling
• What mom might be feeling
• Specific needs for that week
• Specific concerns for the week
• Special tips

By the end of your pregnancy, not only will you have a beautiful child to
show for all your hard work, but you’ll also be brimming full of knowledge
about the days that led up the eventual birthday.