Sunday, March 22, 2009



Moving on ahead, mom is seeing more changes in her body this week.

The development of baby

• Baby is still moving around, exploring the amniotic fluid
• Right now, baby moves around, but will start to find a good position to
be delivered from
• Baby can make faces now
• Weights about thirteen ounces

The development of mom

• Varicose veins
• Changes in your ability to orgasm
• Skin discoloration
• Leg cramps

What baby is feeling

• Baby is recognizing sounds and will respond to them, but just because
they’re making faces at you doesn’t mean that they’re upset

What mom is feeling

• You might start seeing a decrease in your mood swings, but this
doesn’t mean that you still won’t have periods of weepiness.
Specific needs for the week
• In terms of sex, you might want to start switching to side positions or
with mom on top to help make movements more comfortable.
Specific concerns for the week
• During climate changes, you will want to try to stay cooler than you
might normally during heat waves because of your increased blood
volume, but you will feel warmer during colder spells so you might not
feel as cold as you normally would.

Special tip for mom

• Great places to eat when you’re pregnant? Italian, Greek and Middle
Eastern, and any vegetarian or vegan restaurants.


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