Entering week fourteen, you may notice a number of new things in your
The development of baby
• Ears have relocated to the head
• Baby is urinating more frequently into the amniotic fluid
• Movements may be more pronounced
• Measures 6 inches in length and about 3 ounces in weight
The development of mom
• If mom is a first time mom, she will start to feel baby moving around
now. Experienced moms generally feel that movement sooner.
What baby is feeling
• Baby is surrounded by warm fluid that is cushioning it and helping it
move freely
What mom is feeling
• The first time that you feel your baby move is a special one, so be sure
to let your partner feel it too – if they can.
Specific needs for the week
• In order to be strong for labor, you might want to start a prenatal
yoga class. By learning how to balance your body, you will strengthen
your muscles and relax at the same time.
Specific concerns for the week
• When you start to feel movement in your abdomen, this is a good sign
that your pregnancy is progressing normally. If you should feel
movements stop for a long time, talk to your doctor.
Special tip for the week
• If you’ve found out the gender, start to make plans to decorate the
nursery in a style that suits him or her.
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