Sunday, March 22, 2009



One more week…

The development of baby

• No major changes at this point

The development of mom

• No major changes at this point

What baby is feeling

• Baby is starting to understand that there are changes happening that
are indicating that they will be moving soon

What mom is feeling

• Mom is probably quite anxious at this point and unable to sleep.
However, you need all the rest that you can get before you go into
delivery, so you want to nap and relax as much as possible.
Specific needs for the week
• Start eating more carbohydrates (complex) in order to build up your
energy supplies for the process of delivery. Add in a peanut butter
sandwich or some oatmeal to your daily diet.
Specific concerns for the week
• Your main concern right now is being near a hospital or your chosen
birthing center.

Special tip for mom

• If you’re not sure whether you are ready to go to the hospital, ask
yourself how you feel. Funny enough, many moms report that when
they felt least like going to the hospital is generally when they needed
to go to the hospital. Others report that when their mood changed
dramatically, that was a sign that it was time to go and deliver their


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