Sunday, March 22, 2009



During this month, you can expect:

The development of baby

• Baby starts to regulate its temperature
• Starts producing own red blood cells
• Weighs about two pounds and nine ounces

The development of mom

• Continued shortness of breath
• Feeling of fullness in abdomen
• Some hand and face swelling

What baby is feeling

• Baby is starting to realize that the space is becoming lessened in the
womb, so they may not be moving as much as before, but should still
be moving

What mom is feeling

• Starting to worry about the actual delivery day
Specific needs for the week
• If you’re sweating more, that’s completely normal. This is the body’s
way of getting rid of wastes during your pregnancy. It can help to
drink more water to help your body with this process.
Specific concerns for the week
• To avoid having a low birth weight baby, you will want to make sure
that you are eating right, exercising, staying away from drugs and
alcohol, and staying calm.

Special tip for mom

• If you have other children, start to involve them somehow with the
birth. They can feel left out sometimes, so try to talk to them about
their feelings as well as help them get ready to be a new big sibling.


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