If you’re having more than one baby, this might be the week that it happens.
The development of baby
• There is a substance covering the alveoli of the lungs
• Baby is starting to fill out
• Baby weighs about four pounds
The development of mom
• Increased chance of hemorrhoids
• Bleeding gums
• Continued aches and pains
What baby is feeling
• Baby’s lungs are practicing for breathing real air.
What mom is feeling
• Mom might be feeling a little unwieldy and off balance. Try to move
around a bit slower to help compensate for these feelings.
Specific needs for the week
• You can still be driving at this point of your pregnancy, though you
might want to stop when you can’t fit behind the steering wheel. As
long as you’re feeling well, feel free to go anywhere that you please.
Specific concerns for the week
• If you’re still feeling some dizzy sensations, try to eat smaller meals
more frequently. This can help to stabilize your blood sugar and keep
it from fluctuating.
Special tip for mom
• Realize that your increased size will not hurt your chances of having an
easy delivery. Vaginal delivery is still quite possible for even those
women who are genetically disposed to a larger pregnancy size.
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