Have you picked out the place where you want to have your baby? This
might be a good time to start discussing your options. From home to
hospital to birthing center, all of these locations can offer you different
The development of baby
• A creamy white substance called vernix forms on the skin
• Eyebrows and hair may be visible
• Measures almost ten inches and weights about ten ounces
The development of mom
• Bleeding gums
• Increased appetite
• Some swelling of your hands and legs
What baby is feeling
• The sleep wake cycles start to become more regular, and will probably
be the same cycles that you will experience when baby is born.
What mom is feeling
• You might start noticing that your hair and nails are growing more
rapidly – sometimes in places that you weren’t expecting – but
shaving and plucking are safe if it bothers you.
Specific needs for the week
• If you have other children, you might want to stop carrying them
around – it’s time for them to start walking around on their own. Just
let them know that they are grown up enough to not need you to carry
them – and your back will thank you.
Specific concerns for the week
• If you haven’t already done so, you will want to avoid any foods or
dishes that may have uncooked meats and eggs in them. Sushi,
hollandaise sauce, and cookie dough are just some examples.
Special tip for mom
• If you’re having troubles with your contact lenses, it’s due to
hormones. You might want to start wearing your glasses more often.
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