As you round out the first trimester, you’ve had a lot of things that have
happened. Not only have you gotten pregnant, but your baby has done
some remarkable things already to get ready for the big, bad world.
The development of baby
• Baby can urinate on its own
• Amniotic fluid is breathed in the lungs to help strengthen them
• Measures almost five inches in length
The development of mom
• Darkened areolas are growing in size
• Perhaps darker pigmentation of the skin in patches on the abdomen
• The uterus has grown to the size of a softball
What baby is feeling
• Baby knows that it will not be inside the womb forever, so it’s starting
to practice to get ready to breathe air
What mom is feeling
• While the hormonal changes continue, you might start to feel a little
more sexually appealing because of these changes. This is a welcome
effect after the early weeks.
Specific needs for the week
• Have you considered an amniocentesis? This is something that you
may want to discuss with your doctor if you are at high risk for birth
Specific concerns for the week
• Sometimes, you will be able to determine the sex of the baby, so
check with your doctor if you want to find out.
Special tip for mom
• You will want to start avoiding any exercises that are done on your
back because this lessens the flow of blood to the uterus – but don’t
worry, there are plenty of alternatives.
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