Today, most mothers breastfeed their babies. Breast
milk is the best food you can offer your baby. For the
fi rst six months it is all the food and drink your baby
needs for optimal growth and development. Breast
milk is specifi cally designed for your baby and
constantly changes to meet your child’s needs. It is
easy for your baby to digest and can protect against
infections and disease—benefi ts that last a lifetime.
Breastfeeding has many benefi ts for the mother too and
nurtures a special relationship between mother and baby.
Breastfeeding is natural but may take time for both you
and your baby to learn. Talk to a doctor, nurse, midwife
or lactation consultant for help. Contact with other
breastfeeding mothers can also help build your
confi dence in breastfeeding.
Enjoy your baby and the special closeness that
breastfeeding brings.
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