Sunday, March 22, 2009



In the sixth month of pregnancy, you’re really going to start feeling

The development of baby

• The hair on the skin darkens
• Baby is forming their first stool – meconium
• Baby weights over a pound now

The development of mom

• Headaches
• Itchy skin on your stomach
• More back pain

What baby is feeling

• Baby has developed a firm grip now and may start trying to punch at
you with it.

What mom is feeling

• You might still have some absentmindedness, but you’ve started to
figure out ways to cope with it.
Specific needs for the week
• If you’re having pain or numbness in your hands and fingers, you
might be seeing the signs of carpal tunnel syndrome due to the
swelling of your body. Try elevating your hands if you can when
you’re sleeping.
Specific concerns for the week
• If you’re having leg cramps, you might want to try stretching your
calves before bed to prevent them. Stand against a wall as though
you were doing a pushup and lean into the wall with your feet about a
foot away from the wall. Hold and repeat.

Special tip for mom

• Want to stop the itching on your stomach? Try using cocoa butter
lotion or some other moisturizer. The itching is caused by the
stretching of your skin.


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