Sunday, March 22, 2009

Is there anything I shouldn’t eat while I’m pregnant?

Is there anything I shouldn’t eat while I’m pregnant?

Yes. Avoid the following foods which may
be contaminated by bacteria:
• Raw fi sh, especially shellfi sh such as
oysters and clams
• Undercooked meat, poultry and seafood
(for example, hot dogs, non-dried deli-meats,
refrigerated pâté, meat spreads and
refrigerated smoked seafood and fi sh)
• All foods made with raw or lightly cooked eggs
(for example, homemade Caesar vinaigrette)
• Unpasteurized milk products and foods made
from them, including soft and semi-soft cheeses
such as Brie or Camembert
• Unpasteurized juices, such as unpasteurized
apple cider
• Raw sprouts, especially alfalfa sprouts


healthy women said...

nice diet tips during pregnancy to help would be mothers for the development baby..

Thanks for sharing nice info
week by week baby development

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